
This article briefly introduces the definition of your campaign budget and how it works. The budget is the total amount of money you are willing to spend on each campaign on WeAre8. You are able to set your budget in the ‘Create a Campaign’ window, during the ‘Ad Set’ phase.

Key Points

CPR is the cost per unique consumer relationship and is the same as a CPCV (cost per completed video view). This includes guaranteed fully completed video views and responses to all insight questions.

Your campaign is guaranteed a number of consumer views based upon your target audience.

An ‘Active Impression’ is a guaranteed, verified 1 second of human time and attention. This is contrary to the industry’s ‘Passive Impression’ defined as the opportunity for someone to see your ad.

Your campaign budget is split into three categories: consumer payment, charity donation, and distribution costs.

  • Consumer payment = payment to consumers for completing the offer
  • Charity donation = donation made to the charity of your choice for every offer completed
  • Distribution costs = see below

In your distribution costs, WeAre8 covers mobile partnerships, media partnerships, targeting engine, reporting, user and content moderation, data security and payment infrastructure.

A minimum budget is required when setting your campaign budget in order to ensure the continuous delivery of your ad.

  • Campaign level minimum budget: For campaigns, the daily budget must exceed £50.